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Friday, November 13, 2015

RowCall - Google Sheets Add-on for Easy Sorting into Tabs #gafe #edtech #googleclassroom @rmbyrne @alicekeeler

I've been working with a colleague to track students' work habits throughout the day so they are self-reporting on how they're doing based on Work Completion, Participation, and Citizenship/Behavior.  We created a Google Form that takes the kids about 5 seconds to complete and she gets data for every kid, for every period.  Whether or not the data is valid is another issue, but at least there is some reflection by kids on how they think they're doing and it gives the teacher a bit of accountability and helps start discussions with other teachers, students, parents and admin.

We even put in some conditional formatting to change the color of the students' responses so at a glance the teacher can get a good read on how students think they're doing.  We talked about sorting the data to clump a student's responses together so sorting columns.  But then another colleague showed me a Google Sheets add-on he uses called RowCall that looks at your data, finds a common denominator, like a student's name, and creates a new tab on the bottom of the sheet with all of that student's data.  He uses it for his bathroom pass so he can quickly see how many trips a student has been taking to check their phone in their locker go to the bathroom.  Pretty slick.

Even slicker is the fact that the newly tabbed sheets will update too with new data.

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