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Monday, February 26, 2018

Book Review - Learning First, Technology Second . The Educators Guide to Designing Authentic Lessons

As an Instructional Tech Director it is my job to bring current information to our staff and students.  Once such current book was "Learning First, Technology Second by Liz Kolb.  I was introduced to this book by the ISTE Ed Tech Coaches Network.   They were doing a slow Twitter chat with a question every day for a couple months as we read the book.  This was a great way to keep us engaged and collaborating about the book.

“Technology integration is more complex than simply using a technology tool; pedagogical and instructional strategies around the tool are essential for successful learning outcomes.”
Excerpt From: Liz Kolb. “Learning First, Technology Second.” iBooks.  

I am not a reviewer, but I feel that if something makes you really think then tell others about it.  This book was the first I have read in a while that did a great job of preaching to the choir in my case, but doing it in such a way that I can share the ideas with our teachers in an effective way.

The fundamental shift in teaching and learning will only take place if the pedagogy of our staff and the learning of students come first, and the technology tool comes second.  This book lays out a very good set of research-based ideas regarding the use of technology in the classroom and gets to the point pretty quickly as she gives practical examples for the classroom teacher.  I appreciated the chapters about the three frameworks for technology integration into the classroom and especially like the rubric with the Triple E framework that will be very practical with my staff as they create and share lessons.  We plan on using some of the lessons from the book and sharing the Triple E Framework with our staff.

The book is worth checking out if you are anyone who is interested in really impacting student learning with the use of technology.

You can purchase at ISTE, and while you are there, become a member and connect with like-minded future thinking educators.

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