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Friday, January 23, 2015

Seesaw App - Student Portfolios

I'm always on the hunt for apps or websites that make the creation of student portfolios easy.  I've looked at a lot (Google Sites & Three Ring, to name a few) and sometimes they try to do too much or have too many features.  I found one today called Seesaw that is very easy to use and very simple for students to join.  The app has four ways to collect student work: taking a photo, taking a video, drawing, or choosing a picture from your iPad's camera roll.

As a teacher you login with your Google account and then have students join by scanning a QR code or entering their names manually.  Once they're in the app they can use one of the ways above to send you their work.  The neat part about the app is that the teacher has to approve their work by a quick scan in order for it to become part of their portfolio.  Another neat feature is when a student creates a drawing they can also add text and record their voice as part of their entry.  A teacher can also decide which students get tagged with a portfolio entry.  What that means is that if there's group work a teacher can put that particular item into more than one student's digital locker.

The simplicity of this app for teachers and students, and the fact that it's free make it highly user-friendly.  I could see this happening at the elementary level very easily and maybe even into middle school.  Imagine a student pulling out their tablet at a parent teacher conference or around the dinner table and sharing all of their great work with the rest of the family.

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