Besides Twitter, Flipboard is my go-to source for news (this is being written prior to Apple's News app which is coming out in iOS 9 in a few weeks). I like the easy of use and ability to craft the categories to my liking. I wrote about how I Flip for Flipboard here.
It has a place in the classroom because it encourages students not only to be engaged in the world around them by understanding what's going on, but it also delivers content to kids that they're more likely to read.
The latest update goes one step further in that it allows you to give a thumbs up and thumbs down to specific stories, which in turn allows you to tell Flipboard that you want more or less of the categories associated with the story. For example, in the Sports category there are a lot of English Premier League Soccer stories, most of which I'm not interested in. By pressing the little down arrow at the top of the story I can choose 'More Like This' or 'Less Like This' and therefore finetune Flipboard to my liking. Within the main stories that Flipboard thinks you'll like you can only give a thumbs up and down. But inside the categories you've chosen you can tell Flipboard to turn off certain tags that accompany each story. So I can turn off Soccer Transfers, Serie A, Italian Football, but leave Soccer on.
I've been playing with it for about a week now and although it's hard to tell if things are really changing, I get the sense they are.
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